MP SERIES™ Battery Backup System for Traffic Signals: MP2000E System
Volume One: Operating Manual
Page 6-26
Line Frequency
Line Freq
Input frequency is fluctuating and out of
Low Output Voltages
Low O/P Volt
The output voltage is low but still
Temperature Probe
No Temp Probe
The battery temperature probe is
unplugged or damaged. When the unit
detects the probe is unplugged it will
continue to operate but the charger
voltage will automatically be set to the
lowest value.
The loads are drawing more power than
the MP2000E can provide
Battery Not Connected
Batt Not Conn
The battery is not connected
High Temperature
High Temp
The battery temperature is high
Low Temperature
Low Temp
The battery temperature is low
Ext Alarm
Battery Alarm
Fan Failure
Door Interlock
This alarm will be signaled by closure
on Pin 19 and Pin 20 of the Green
Terminal Block
Figure 6-16: Alarm Menu
Note: The unit will self-reset when the alarm condition is no longer present.
Once the alarm condition is removed, the unit will automatically return to
LINE mode if the line is qualified or BATTERY mode if the line is unqualified.
6.b.13 FAULT Menu
When the red ALARM LED is continuously ON, the unit has a fault, indicating a condition in
which backup power is unavailable. Press ENTER to display FAULT description. Figure 6-17
shows the LED screens in Fault status and Figure 6-18 details the FAULT Menu.