6 Trouble Shooting
General Troubleshooting
W4B-120C is not powering up
Confirm that all circuit breakers and switches in the system are closed
Check all fuses
Check for loose wiring connections and wiring continuity
Verify that the battery voltage is not below 9Vdc
Verify that the battery power connection is not reversed polarity
Troubleshooting Charging
Over-charging or under-charging the battery
DIP switch settings may be wrong
Over-temperature condition is reducing the charging current (heat sink cooling may
be blocked)
Voltage drop between W4B-120C and battery is too high
Load is too large and is discharging the battery
Not charging the battery
DIP switch settings may be wrong (check each switch position carefully)
Circuit breaker or disconnect is open
Reversed polarity connections at the PMG terminals (PMG: Permanent Magnet Gene-
Short circuit in the wind system has eliminated part of the wind power output
• Wind energy is not providing enough current
Battery is failing and cannot hold a charge
Troubleshooting Diversion Control
Diversion load is too small so PWM reaches 99%
Diversion load is burned out so PWM reaches 99%
Diversion load is too large so W4B-120C faults on overcurrent
An overtemperature condition may have caused the load to be disconnected
Voltage drops between the W4B-120C and battery are too high