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Copyright Müller-Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG,
Installation and operating instructions SPRAYDOS (07.2016)
Balanced pressure manifold without reflux measurement
The manifold is equipped with electrovalves and separate balanced pressure valves (e.g. Tecnoma-Elektra). The spraying
fluid which flows back to the tank via the balanced pressure valves when the boom section is switched off is not recorded
by the flow meter.
Manifold without balanced pressure function
The manifold is equipped with motor or electromagnetic valves.
Only the quantity sprayed via the spray bar is measured by the flow meter even when the boom section is switched off.
If, at the end of the field with the sprayer switched off, one or more boom sections are switched off, the computer takes a
pre-setting via the control valve. Fine-tuning then takes place once the field sprayer has been switched on.
Balanced pressure manifold with reflux measurement
The manifold can be equipped with either motor or electromagnetic valves. When boom sections are switched off the flow
meter also measures the amount which flows back to the tank. The computer takes this into account when calculating the
quantity sprayed depending on the number of nozzles per boom section.
Example: Field sprayer with 5 boom sections
One boom section is switched off; only 4/5 of the total quantity is recorded
(1/5 flows back into the tank).
The valves on the balanced pressure manifold must be set accurately.
Spraying devices without balanced pressure function
This setting takes into account the specific features of spraying devices for use in fruit, wine and hops production. In this
case the quantity and not the working width is altered when the upper nozzle segments are switched off. If one side of the
device is completely switched off, the working width is halved.
Control constants
Depending on the fabrication and the size of the sprayer different control times are required when there is a certain
deviation from the pre-set value.
The computer calculates the control time with which the control valve is driven. The control time is determined by the
control constant.
Regulation too sluggish -> enter a highter value
Regulation overdrive -> enter a lower value
The control constant is optimally selected, when, in the case of a deviation from the pre-set value, one control process is
sufficient for the computer to get to the proximity of the pre-set value and then fine tune by means of a few small processes.
Regulation can be seen in the display l/ha.
Control constants can be within the range of 1 to 99.
See also "Manifold types".