Before each use, inspect all chains to see if they are properly lubricated. If they are not, do so immediately. Also lu-
bricate after entering mud, water, or after raining/washing inside the Mudd-Ox. Keeping chains lubricated enables
them to move smoothly, prevents rust and premature wear. Simply spray lubricant over entire chain surface area.
Always keep the chain wells inside the lower body clean, dry and lubed. There should never be debris such as dirt,
mud, sticks or any other foreign objects. Cleanliness and care will ensure longevity.
1. See
Accessing the Mudd-Ox
remove lower seats, engine cover and floor boards.
2. Ensure the lower chain wells are dry and free of any debris or foreign objects.
3. Use roller chain lubricant. Completely cover the visible sections of all chains with the lubricant.
4. Next is to rotate the chains so that non-visible areas become visible, and lubrication can be achieved:
A. See
Raising the Mudd-Ox
Jack Points
using the wooden block method. After it’s raised, put the vehi-
cle in neutral and rotate the wheels by hand.
B. Put the vehicle into neutral and push it in either direction. Only perform if there is safe, flat ground to roll the
vehicle across.
5. Once unlubricated sections of the chain are visible, lubricate them.
6. Continue to rotate the chains and lubricate them until all chains are completely lubricated.
7. Reinstall floor boards, engine cover and lower seats.
Chains Cont.
Standard: Transmission single 60, rear four axles single 60. Front four axles double 60.
Optional HD Upgrade: Transmission double 50. All axles double 60.
Single Chain
Double Chain