7.2 Fault messages of Engine Control Unit ECU9 for Series 4000,
genset applications
Possible engine responses to yellow alarm:
Warning, power limitation/reduction, speed limitation, engine shutdown
Possible engine responses to red alarm:
Engine shutdown, power limitation/reduction, speed limitation, warning
Procedure following an automatic safety shutdown (→ Page 138)
3 – HI T-Fuel
Corrective action
The fuel temperature at sensor
B33 has violated limit value 1. The
fuel temperature is too high.
1. Reduce power.
2. Check fuel cooling system (if applicable).
3. Contact Service.
4 – SS T-Fuel
Corrective action
The fuel temperature at sensor
B33 has exceeded limit value 2.
The fuel temperature is too high.
1. Reduce power.
2. Check fuel cooling system (if applicable).
3. Contact Service.
5 – HI T-Charge Air
Corrective action
The charge-air temperature at
sensor B9 has violated limit value
1. The charge-air temperature is
too high.
1. Reduce power.
2. Check whether alarms 9 and 10 are signaled.
3. Contact Service.
6 – SS T-Charge Air
Corrective action
The charge-air temperature at
sensor B9 has violated limit value
2. The charge-air temperature is
too high.
1. Reduce power.
2. Check whether alarms 9 and 10 are signaled.
3. Contact Service.
9 – HI T-Coolant Intercooler
Corrective action
The intercooler coolant
temperature measured at sensor
B26.has violated limit value 1. The
intercooler coolant temperature is
too high.
1. Reduce power.
2. Check whether alarm 23 is signaled.
3. Check cooler (plant) for contamination.
4. Check fan operation (plant).
5. Contact Service.
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