Option 2: Check function while engine is stopped
Check both emergency-air shutoff flaps and their wiring for mechanical damage.
Make sure that the pointers (1) of both
emergency-air shutoff flaps are pointing to
OPEN / ON and the emergency-air shutoff
flaps are open.
Activate the function which triggers the
emergency-air shutoff flaps (plant-depend-
ent), e. g. test function in the ECU software
(test menu for starting the engine).
Check the following functions:
• Both emergency-air shutoff flaps close
immediately when triggered.
• The emergency-air shutoff flaps are
completely closed and the pointers (1)
point to CLOSED / OFF.
If one or both emergency-air shutoff flaps
do not completely close or don't close at
all, shut off the engine and notify Service. If
necessary, observe the fault message (er-
ror log).
Before starting the engine, open the emer-
gency-air shutoff flaps so that the point-
er (1) points to OPEN / ON.
Reactivate the system electrically (depends
on the installation).
MS150120/00E 2014-11
| Task Description | 153
TIM-ID: 0000054667 - 001