12/16V4000M23S/M23F/M33S/M33F/M43S engines
A Engine power
B Engine speed
ETC Exhaust turbocharger
MTU marine genset engine models 4000M23/M33/M43 may be operated in low-load operation. State-
of-the-art design and equipment features e.g. TE coolant circuit, jacketed, coolant-cooled exhaust lines,
Common Rail fuel injection and cylinder cutout allow engine operation at low load.
Low-load operation (engine power up to approx. 20% of rated power) takes place in single-ETC mode
(with only one exhaust turbocharger running). To ensure the functionality of the control mechanism and
of the exhaust flap of the turbocharger which does not run in low-load operation, it is recommended to
operate the engine with both turbochargers running after 100 operating hours in low-load operation, at
the latest.
SOLAS – Fire safety requirements
Fuel system, fuel lines with fuel pressure >1.8 bar
All lines with SOLAS-compliant covers for pipe connections, according to MTU standard MTN5233, are
MS150035/01E 2013-11 | Product Summary | 17
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