MRU GmbH, D-74172 Neckarsulm
70 / 100
Extras / Adjustment
The analyzer is delivered with a standard preset software, which should
cover your needs in most cases. However, the settings are highly flexible and
If you want to change various settings, we recommend that you do so with a
little thought. The better you plan the settings, the less often you will have
to correct them and the more comfortable you will be working with the ana-
Use the possibilities of the individually configurable measuring methods,
measuring displays, pressure outputs and self-selecting fuels in such a way
that all your practical requirements are met as far as possible. Then you will
rarely have to make changes to the settings again. After making changes to
the settings, you should switch off the analyzer once briefly so that the
changes are permanently saved and take effect when you restart the ana-
Service menu
The Service menu is protected by a PIN code against unauthorized
For the PIN code, contact an MRU service center (
If you have started the PIN code query by mistake, press the ESC key. You
will return to the Extras menu.
Go to the Extras menu.
Select Service menu.
Press OK.
A window for entering the PIN-code appears.
Enter the PIN-Code.
If you enter the PIN-code correctly, you will have access to the service
If the PIN-code is entered incorrectly, you will be returned to the Ex-
tras menu.