Chapter 5 Operation Guide
Basic Calculation”: the four basic arithmetics “+”, “-”, “x”, “/” can be performed for
the absorbance at different wavelengths of the same well.
“Standard Curve”: Based on the concentration of the standard well and measured
absorbance, the instrument will generate corresponding standard curve according
to standard sample sequence for sample concentration calculation, see Fig 14. If
there are several groups of standard curves, users and click “Group:1” button to
switch to other standard curves.
Note: The fitting type must be same when several groups of standard curves, or
users can not export them together, only can export one by one.
Fig 14
If the fitting is not that good, users can modify the fitting type from “Parameters” on the
right of the interface, or perform curve fitting after preprocessing the measured
absorbance value and the input standard sample concentration value for a better result.
Below 8 fitting types are available:
Linear fitting
4 parameters
Quadratic polynomial
Cubic polynomial
Quartic polynomial
Cubic Spline
The absorbance value and concentration value of standard sample can be pretreated