AirWorks AWK-3131A
Web Console Configuration
RSTP Settings (Master or Slave Mode Only)
AWK-3131A supports IEEE 802.1D for Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and IEEE 802.1w for Rapid STP
standards. In addition to eliminating unexpected path looping, STP/RSTP can provide a backup path
recovery if a wired/ wireless path fails accidentally. The reliability and availability can increase because this
fail-over function.
AWK-3131A’s STP/RSTP feature is disabled by default. To be completely effective, you must enable
RSTP/STP on every AWK-3131A connected to your network. If AWK-3131A plays a Slave role, which is
connected to a device (PLC, RTU, etc.) as opposed to network switch equipment, it is not necessary to
enable STP/RSTP. The reason is that it will cause unnecessary negotiation. AWK-3131As support STP/RSTP
in Master or Slave mode only.
The following figures indicate which Spanning Tree Protocol parameters can be configured. A more detailed
explanation of each parameter is given below the figure.
The recovery time for STP/RSTP in firmware version 1.6 is around 25 to 35 seconds.
RSTP status
This field will appear only when selected to operate STP/RSTP. It indicates whether this AWK-3131A is the
Root of the Spanning Tree (the root is determined automatically) or not.
Bridge priority
Factory Default
Numerical value
by user
You can increase the bridge priority by selecting a lower
number. A higher bridge priority brings a greater chance of
being established as the root of the Spanning Tree topology.
Hello time
Factory Default
Numerical value input
by user
(1 – 10 seconds)
The root of the Spanning Tree topology periodically sends out
a “hello” message to other devices on the network to check if
the topology is healthy. Hello time indicates how often the
root sends hello messages.
2 (seconds)
Forwarding delay
Factory Default
Numerical value input
by user
(4 to 30 seconds)
The amount of time this device waits before checking to see if
it should change to a different topology.
15 (seconds)