Web Console Configuration
After you click on Save Configuration in the left menu box, the following screen will appear. Click Save if you
wish to update the configuration settings in the flash memory at this time. Alternatively, you may choose to run
other functions and put off saving the configuration until later. However, the new setting changes will remain
in the non-volatile memory until you save the configurations.
If you submitted configuration changes, you will find a blinking string in the upper right corner of the screen.
After making all your changes, click the Restart function in the left menu box. One of two different screens will
If you made changes recently but did not save, you will be given two options. Clicking the Restart button here
will reboot the AWK-3131A-M12-RCC directly, and all setting changes will be ignored. Clicking the Save and
Restart button will apply all setting changes and then reboot the AWK-3131A-M12-RCC.
If you run the Restart function without changing any configurations or saving all your changes, you will see
just one Restart button on your screen.