SD34002g_e.doc / Sep-13
Page 19 / 60
4.7. Percentaged Speed Difference: F02.004 = 7 or 8
Both encoder inputs "encoder1" and "encoder2" are active. With consideration of the individual
scaling of each channel the unit calculates the percentaged difference as shown below:
F02.004 = 7:
Display =
[ sp eed of encoder 1 ]
[ speed of encoder 2 ]
[ speed of encoder 2 ]
x 100%
F02.004 = 8:
Display =
[ sp eed of encoder 2 ]
[ speed of encoder 1 ]
[ speed of encoder 1 ]
x 100%
Parameter „Percent Format“ (F02.018) determines the number of decimal positions of the result:
0 = display range -999999 to + 9999999 %
1 = display range -99999,9 to +99999,9 %
2 = display range -9999,99 to +9999,99 %
3 = display range -999,999 to +999,999 %
The final percentage result can once more be scaled into user-friendly engineering units by
means of the special scaling parameters in parameter group F02
Besides the actual speeds and the ratio the unit also records minimum and maximum values of
the ratio.
Preset K1 is related to the absolute speed of encoder 1.
Preset K2 is related to the absolute speed of encoder 2.
Presets K3 and K4 are related to the percentaged difference of both speeds
L1 (red)
L2 (yellow)
1 Actual percentage difference
statically ON
statically ON
2 Minimum percentage since last min/max reset
blinking slow
blinking slow
3 Maximum percentage since last min/max reset
blinking fast
blinking fast
4 Actual speed of encoder 1
statically ON
5 Actual speed of encoder 2
statically ON
Encoder 1
Encoder 2
Remote control functions
speed 1
speed 2
speed 2 > speed 1
Example: stretching of material by building up tension