Home Talkgroup on Home
Selects only home network and home talkgroup network.
Inactive One Touch Key 0
The one-touch function assigned to the
key remains inactive until
you long press the button twice.
A single long press on the
button calls out the
Initiate Call-Out Fallback
Sends a Call-Out Fallback Alert.
Location Information Pro-
tocol (LIP) Report
Sends a message with the location of the radio to a dedicated ad-
Lock to Current Network
Selects the current network only.
Phone and Private Auto-
matic Branch Exchange
(PABX) Call Setup
Initiates a PABX call to a predefined entry in the contact list.
Phone Call Setup
Initiates a phone call to a predefined entry in the contact list.
Prefer Talkgroup Network
Displays the Prefer Talkgroup Network menu.
Private Call Setup
Initiates a simplex or duplex private call to a predefined entry in the
contact list or to the last group call originator.
Reset to Default
Resets the radio to its default settings.
Radio Messaging System
(RMS) Man-Machine Inter-
face (MMI) Menu
Opens the RMS menu without activating RMS mode.
RMS Mode Activation or
Toggles the RMS feature on or off.
Radio User Identity (RUI)
Logon or Logoff
Toggles the RUI feature of the radio.
Scan for Bluetooth Devi-
Activates scanning for Bluetooth devices after the OTB assigned to
the Add Bluetooth Device function is pressed.
Select Talkgroup Network
Displays the Select Talkgroup Network menu.
Selecting Audio Profiles
Changes the audio profile of the radio.
Send Double Push PTT
Tone (D-PTT)
Sends the D-PTT tone to the currently used talkgroup.
Send Predefined Template
Sends a predefined message to a dedicated address.
Send Status Message
Sends a dedicated status message to a dedicated address.
Send User-Defined Tem-
plate (UDT)
Sends a user-defined message to a dedicated address.
Speaker Enable or Disable
per Call
Enables or disables the loudspeaker for a duration of the ongoing
Switch to Previously Se-
lected Talkgroup
Changes the talkgroup of the radio to the previously selected talk-
group (DMO or TMO).
Chapter 2 : Getting Started