Message Description
cannot be deleted
Your service provider set this group so you cannot delete it
from the favorite talkgroup folder.
Try Again Later
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
Radio Disabled
Check with your service provider.
Unit is OK
Self-test error. A minor fault has been detected. Your radio
is still fully operative. If this error recur, note the error code
and contact service.
Unit Not Attached
Your radio could not attach to the system. The talkgroup
may not be defined in the system. Please try another
Warning SD card not format-
ted correctly
The microSD card installed in your radio is not formatted
correctly. To format it, contact your service provider.
Warning: Space for less
than 10 picture signatures
Radio internal memory is running out of space and no
more than 10 Digital Fingerprints can be saved.
Not enough space to store
picture signature!
Radio internal memory is full and no Digital Fingerprint can
be saved.
Appendix C : Troubleshooting