Overview • Supported Encryption Types
APEX1000 All-Purpose Edge QAM Software Version 2.4.x • Installation and Operation Manual
Please note that for
broadcast services
Services are not queued by the DAC 6000
Stream input to the APEX1000 must be over GigE interface
The APEX1000 Element Manager (EM) is responsible for configuring the device,
including the routing of all services. The DAC 6000 provides EMMs and service-
specific rights data through the RDS interface
The APEX1000 can remux services, but does not support trans-rating
The APEX1000 will (or will not) encrypt each individual stream based on the data for
that service received from the DAC using the RDS. The APEX1000 will also insert
the appropriate copy protection data (CCI, APS, CIT)
The APEX1000 can accept incoming services that are already encrypted and route
them appropriately, without disrupting the timing between ECMs and video/audio
Note: The APEX1000 does not currently support IPPV/PPV services; a future version will
offer this support.
Broadcast Services — Rights Meta Data
When encrypting linear broadcast streams, the APEX1000 extracts the associated
access control related information such as the Rights Meta Data (RMD) from the DAC
6000 using the RDS (Rights Data Server) interface.
This information includes the following:
The tier(s) associated with the service
The encryption mode:
Clear/Unencrypted (no ECMs are inserted)
Unencrypted with CCI
Pre-Encrypted (same as Clear/Unencrypted, with the exception that input service
is checked for pre-encryption)
Full encryption
Fixed program key
Fixed working key
The copy control data (CCI, APS, and CIT settings)
Common Tier Encryption (CTE)
When enabled, all services on a QAM channel are encrypted with the same encryption
mode, tier, and RMD (configured on the APEX1000 through the EM).
Note: This encryption applies to both legacy VOD and switched digital modes of