Appendix C • Initialization Information
APEX1000 All-Purpose Edge QAM Software Version 2.4.x • Installation and Operation Manual
BOOTP Request and Reply Format
BOOTP request and reply messages use the same packet format. The BOOTP packet
includes multiple fields divided into the following areas:
Packet Area
Standard Area
Contains fields for specifying basic BOOTP message information,
Message type (request or reply)
MAC address of requesting device
IP address assignment of requesting device
Boot file name for the requesting device
Values for some standard fields must be specified and others are
optional, depending on whether the BOOTP message is a request or
Vendor-Specific Area
Contains fields for use as defined by the vendor for example, to set values
for operating parameters.
BOOTP Request
In the BOOTP request, the APEX1000 includes:
A value indicating that the message is a BOOTP request
A MAC address
BOOTP Server Reply
In the BOOTP reply to the APEX1000, the BOOTP server includes:
A value indicating that the message is a BOOTP reply
The IP address of the boot server
The IP address assigned to that APEX1000 Ethernet port
The file of files (FOF) name for the APEX1000 (apex.fof)
The path for the FOF
The network mask
Note: Both BOOTP Request and Reply are transferred using UDP.