– DELTA CONT. RevA17 10-4-17
The END ROUND command permits alternative control of the machine between deposits.
Use of this command traverses the tray forward to the start of a new product whilst the
deposit head remains in the jogged up position from the previous product. The head is then
lowered vertically down to the deposit height whilst the tray remains stationery (see fig. 29).
This is of use if edged containers have to be deposited into, whereas the normal machine
operation mode is to lower the head down to the deposit height whilst traversing the tray to
the start of the next product - thus giving a diagonal approach (see fig. 30).
The END ROUND command also allows the automatic addition of a deposit quantity, at the
start and end of the MOVE command that immediately follows it. Its main function in this
respect is to round off the ends of strip type products such as éclairs.
The entered values required are ‘Start R’ and ‘End Rnd’. Enter positive values accordingly
to achieve deposits and/or zero values to prevent deposits.
When using this command it must be on the first command line of a multi line program
otherwise a screen message ‘Put END ROUND on first line’ appears and the controller
prevents the running of the program until it is achieved.
Fig. Distance information required for use with MAN(UAL) SPACE command
Fig. 29 Nozzle vertical movements using END ROUND command
Leading edge
Trailing edge
Tray movements between
Fig. 30 Normal nozzle vertical movements
Leading edge
Trailing edge
Tray movements
between products
The DELETE command permits editing of the product program by allowing deletion of any
one of the above commands from the program one line at a time. Prior to invoking the
DELETE command the cursor must be on the command that is to be deleted.