Specification and Adjustment Manual - ARDAC IBA5
Document Number 44X501R2 – March 15, 2004
Operational Notes - Acceptor
The note acceptor used in the IBA5 System is a belt-driven, horizontal note acceptor. The acceptor
identifies notes through the use of a DSP-based, self-calibrating sensing system. Sensors located above and
below the note path scan both sides of the note. A sensor at the opening of the note path monitors for a
variety of stringing and other intrusive fraud devices.
- When the acceptor verifies that the note / coupon is a valid, applicable currency and the cassette stacker can
receive it, the acceptor drives the note out of a slot at the bottom rear of the acceptor, into the stacker.
- The note is returned to the customer through the note entrance when the acceptor detects that:
1. The note / coupon is not a valid, applicable currency
2. An intrusive fraud device is being used
3. The stacker is jammed or full
4. The host instructs the acceptor to return the note.
The note acceptor contains two drive motors. One motor, located toward the rear of the acceptor, operates
the drive belts inside the acceptor. These belts transport the note past the acceptor’s sensor systems. This
motor also operates gears, which propel a drive-down mechanism in the cassette stacker. This mechanism
actively drives an accepted note into the stacker as the note leaves the acceptor, thus assisting in the initial
stages of note stacking.
The second drive motor operates the punch mechanism in the cassette stacker. This bi-directional motor is
located toward the front of the acceptor, and can be seen on the right side plate of the acceptor. After a note
has been driven fully into the stacker, the punch mechanism pushes the note toward the front of the stacker,
into the existing note stack. After the note is stacked, the motor reverses to return the punch to the home
position. Optical sensors located in the lower rear corners of the chassis detect this home position.