Specification and Adjustment Manual - ARDAC IBA5
Document Number 44X501R2 – March 15, 2004
Connection of the IBA 5 System to the Host
IBA5 units connect to the host equipment through two or three of the System connectors. The
specifications for each of these connectors are provided in Section 1, Description and Specifications.
- Optically isolated I/O signals between the IBA5 and the slot machine pass through the 5-pin I/O
- The IBA5 supplies signals to the host through the 4-pin Status Monitor Connector allowing access
to the stacker Present switch, and an enable output. Both outputs are active low. (See Figure 1-
- The 2-pin power connector must be connected to a host (or bench test) power supply meeting the
specifications of Section 1, Description and Specifications.
- The 9-pin connector is not used when installed in host machine.
Install New or Up-Graded EPROM on Microprocessor Board (Optional)
It may become necessary to install or change the EPROM on an acceptor’s Microprocessor board. The
IBA5 units are shipped to IGT without EPROM’s installed. EPROMs are installed at IGT before shipment
from the factory. These EPROMS will have the latest version of the software for the specified country,
currency and application.
An EPROM change may be required to:
- Adapt the System to a new country, currency or application.
- Change or increase the type of notes or currency handled by the System.
- Up-grade an already installed acceptor with the latest software version.