7.4 Interpret the Test Results
7.4.1 Satisfactory Test
If the diagnostic test finds no fault with any zone then the message “Zone
Test OK” is displayed against every zone.
7.4.2 Unsatisfactory Test
If the test detects any problems then it displays an error message against the
particular zone. See Table 7-1 for a full list of error messages.
Table 7-1 System Diagnosis Error Messages
Error Message
Below 0 or Reversed
May be caused by a reversed thermocouple.
: if the test was carried out at an ambient
temperature below 0°C, the controller would not work
with the resulting negative temperature readings.
Check card fuse.
Temperature appeared to be decreasing when power was
Failed to React
Unexpected results. This message is followed by further
error messages.
Heater / T/C Common
with Zone NN?
Crosswiring fault between displayed zones. Could be
either heater or thermocouple wiring at fault.
Heating Test Failed
Temperature did not rise by the set number of degrees
within the heating period. This may be caused by an
open circuit heater, a pinched, shorted or dislodged
No Mains Sync. Pulse
Likely due to an error in the supply wiring.
No card was detected in the unit at the slot identified with
the displayed zone.
Thermocouple detected as being open circuit. Check
thermocouple wiring for displayed zone.
T/C Interaction with
Zone NN?
Different zone(s) to the one being tested had an
unacceptable rise in temperature, greater than Bad Rise
set in test values. Indicates faulty T/C positioning or close
zone proximity.
User Stopped
The test was stopped.
User Skipped
The test for this zone was skipped while it was being
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Me6 & Me12 Controller User Manual