110 / 124
;MTG (Day of the month) (1..31) 1B
;JTG (Day of the year) (1..366) 1W
;WTG (Day of the week) (0..6) 1W Text table !WT!
; (Su..Sa)
;DOW (Day of the week) (0..7) 1B !DW!
;KAW (Calendar week) (1..53) 1B (according to Din ISO 8601)
;MON (Month) (1..12) 1W Text table !MO!
;MNT (Month) (1..12) 1B
;AMF (am/pm flag) (0/1) 1W Text table !AM!
;TMQ (synchronization qual.) (0..255
; or A..Z) 1B (see !TQ!)
;SAI (Season) (0..2) 1W Text table !SA!
;AKS (Season change (0/1) 1W Text table !AK!
; announcement)
;SST (Season status) (0..3) 1W Text table !ST!
; (Bit 0 = Early warning bit)
; (Bit 1 = Summer bit)
;SYA (Synch. alarm) (0/1) 1W Texttabelle !SY!
; (0:synch ok, 1: synch alarm -> Alarm Nr.16, 17 or 19)
;CHS (Check sum) (0..255) 1B
;XCH (XOR Check sum) (0..255) 1B
;X1C (XOR Check sum low nibble in ASCII) (0..9, A..F) 1B
;X2C (XOR Check sum high nibble in ASCII)(0..9, A..F) 1B
; Definitions:
; CHS = (Sum of all bytes up to CHS) AND h’FF
; XCH = XOR link of all bytes up to CHS
;e.g. time telegram with following format (36 ASCII characters)
; "Date: tt:mm:yy Time: hh:mm:ss,mmm<CR><LF>"
;!TS!"Date: %d2:%s:%d2 time: %d2:%d2:%d2,%d3\n"
;-- Send offset automatic telegram output -----------------------
;Send offset from midnight 00:00:00 at periodic time
;output (!CS!a!...).
;hh = hour ('00..23')
;mm = minute ('00..59')
;ss = second ('00..59')
;e.g. the periodic time output should start at 06:00:00
; in each case:
; !SO!06:00:00!
;-- Interval automatic telegram output -------------------------
;Interval from send offset of the periodic time output.
;s = every second
;m = every minute
;h = hourly
;d!hh:mm:ss! daily (max. 6 entries)
;p!hh:mm:ss! constant
;hh = hour ('00..23')
;mm = minute ('00..59')
;ss = second ('00..59')
;e.g.1 telegram output every second
; !TI!s!
;e.g.2 telegram output daily at 13:00:00 hours
; !TI!d!13:00:00!
;e.g.3: the interval of the periodic time output should be 5 seconds:
; !TI!p!00:00:05!
Summary of Contents for 122031
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