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7.15.3 Error cancellation
High Performance model QCPU error cancel operation can be performed only for error
that can continue the High Performance model QCPU operation.
(1) Error cancellation
(a) Procedures for error cancellation
The error cancel is performed as follows:
1) Resolve the cause of error.
2) Store the error code of the error to be canceled in the special register
3) Switch special relay SM50 from OFF to ON.
4) The error is canceled.
(b) Status after error cancellation
When the CPU module is recovered by canceling the error, the special
relay, special register, and LED affected by the error are set to the status
before the error occurred.
When the same error occurs after canceling the error, it is logged again in
the failure history.
(c) Cancellation of annunciator
For the cancellation of the annunciator detected multiple times, only the first
detected "F" is canceled.
When error cancellation is performed by storing the code of the error to cancel is
stored in SD50, the lower 2 digits of the code number is ignored.
When 2100 and 2111 occur in the error code and error code 2100 is canceled,
error code 2111 is canceled as well.