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10.3.3 Special registers (SD)
(1) Definition
A special register is used to store High Performance model QCPU status data
(diagnosis and system information).
(2) Special register classifications
Special registers are classified according to their applications, as shown below.
(a) For fault diagnosis
: SD0 to SD199
(b) System information
: SD200 to SD399
(c) System clock/system counter
: SD400 to SD499
(d) Scan information
: SD500 to SD599
(e) Memory card information
: SD600 to SD699
(f) Instruction related
: SD700 to SD799
(g) For debugging
: SD800 to SD899
(h) Latch area
: SD900 to SD999
(i) For A-PLC
: SD1000 to SD1299
(j) Fuse-blown module
: SD1300 to SD1399
(k) Check of I/O modules
: SD1400 to SD1499
1) For details on special relays which can be used by the High Performance model
QCPU, refer to Appendix 2.
2) : This takes effect only after you have turned on the "Use special relay/special
register form SM1000/SD1000" check box in the "Compatibility with A-PLC"
section at the "PLC system" tab screen in the “(PLC) Parameter" dialog box.