Units for general I/O connection
For the general I/Os of the positioning unit and the extension I/Os of the programmable
controller the following external units can be connected.
Various input switches
The various input switches such as a push-button switch, limit switch, sensor,
etc. can be connected.
Manual pulse generator
A p u l s e g e n e r a t o r c a n b e
connected to each axis, or one
p u l s e g e n e r a t o r c a n b e
connected to both axes and
switched between them. The
manual pulse generators used
must be an open collector output
General input/extension input
Input from the digital switch
Interrupt input
T h e i n p u t f r o m t h e
manual pulse generator
can be used as control
i n p u t f o r i n t e r r u p t
positioning control by
switching the line.
• Up to 6 digits are
possible with the FX-
10GM. Use with a
programmable cont-
roller for more digits.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Various data settings can be fetched
through connections that save wiring,
either by a direct connection method
or by multiplexing input/outputs.
General output/extension output
Auxiliary equipment control output
The ON/OFF control outputs for
various auxiliary equipment are
generated by M code signals (2-digit
BCD) or a direct program.
Seven-segment display
Various setting data and statuses,
and present value, can be displayed
through connections that save wiring,
either by a direct connection method
or by multiplexing outputs.
The following data can be set using
direct specification instructions.
• Target position
• Speed
• Center coordinates of circular arc
• Radius of circular arc
• Various parameters and control constants
a) Current position display:
8 digits maximum for each axis.
b) The line No. being executed, the set
speed, the present dwell value, various
parameters and the status can be read
and displayed.
• Up to 2 digits are possible with the
FX-10GM. Use with a programmable
controller for more digits.
The positioning control command inputs and the drive unit connection are enabled
via dedicated I/O.