| XVP-3901
User Presets section
The XVP-3901 has memory registers which can hold up to 5 user-defined parameter settings.
Current Preset
box (at the bottom left corner of the panel) displays the last loaded preset. Any change to the card
configuration after a preset is loaded will change the display to "Custom" instead of the preset number.
any one of the five presets using the pull-down list. The name of the currently-selected User Preset is shown
on the pulldown box.
to load the contents of the selected User Preset into the XVP-3901. All parameter settings and values will
be replaced by the contents of the selected User Preset.
The first 4 user presets can be recalled by GPI User Preset 1 to 4, as configured in the GPI tab.
to store the current parameter settings and values from the XVP-3901 into the selected User Preset. The
existing contents of the preset will be overwritten.
if you see a pop-up warning box like this when you click
, you will need to decide how to deal with the
Metadata Generator presets. Click on the Metadata FAQ button to learn more about this issue.
Briefly explained, a User Preset stores all the parameter values on the XVP-3901 card
the parameter
values for the Metadata generators. These values are stored in a separate set of registers, and the User Preset
saves the contents of these registers plus a pointer to the register that was most recently used. If you change any
of the Metadata values but do not update the Metadata register by saving it, the values referenced by the pointer
are not the current values. If you save to a user preset under this circumstance, the User Preset will not contain
the changed values, and they cannot be recovered if you later load the card from the preset.
User Preset Save Alert
panel will be triggered any time you attempt to save when the Generator Metadata
values have been changed but not saved. You can tell when this is the case, as both the User Preset box on the
main panel, and the Current Generator Preset box in the Presets tab, as well as the Generator tab label, will all
Figure 5.83 User Preset Save Alert warning panel
Figure 5.84 How to tell when the metadata generator settings have not been saved