XVP-3901 |
Factory Light –
The ALC applies low dynamic range
compression on the audio program content. The overall
response time is relatively slow, which reduces the ALC
ability to tightly follow the target output loudness. Using
this preset, the program content will sound a little more
dense, while keeping most of the original program
dynamic range.
Factory Standard –
The ALC applies moderate dynamic
range compression on the audio program content. The
overall response time is also moderate, which allows the
ALC to follow the target output loudness quite well. This
preset is well-suited for most types of audio content. It is
the factory preset loaded when loading the card default
Factory Heavy –
The ALC applies high dynamic range
compression on the audio program content. The overall
response time is relatively fast, which improves the ALC
ability to tightly follow the target output loudness. Using
this preset, the program output content will sound much
more dense, less dynamic.
5 user presets are also available to save and load custom
configurations of the ALC. These presets are labeled ALC 1 to
5 but the user can edit the preset names via the “Edit Labels” button.
recommend starting with the ALC factory preset (Light, Standard, Heavy) that is closest to the
desired objective, then fine tuning it to reach the desired goal. This will minimize the troubles that will likely be
encountered as many adjustments interact.
ALC Bypass
Checking this box bypasses the ALC program processing, and the input channels pass-through the output unaltered.
Target Loudness
Output Target
pulldown sets the target output loudness. This value sets the
output loudness. Due to the
program dynamics, the actual output loudness will move around the selected target. The units of measurement and
the nominal value, as well as the window size for the measurements (not shown on this panel) are set by the
pulldown in the Config tab.
Although the nominal Target Loudness is reset according to the table above when the
is changed, the user may
change the value at any time using the pulldown, where the available range is -10 to -31 for all modes.
Here’s the time-domain response of the ALC:
Figure 5.69 ALC panel – PGM 1, 2, 3 ,…. or 8 tab