| XVP-3901
Threshold /Inf > Thr
B1 - B5 AGC Thresh(old): -12.00dB - +12.00dB (default: 0.00dB
all). The reference point for the attack and release parameters to
act on the audio signal present in that band.
B1-B5 Inf:1 Above Thresh: Enabled / Disabled (default: B1:
Enabled, B2: Enabled, B3: Disabled, B4: Disabled, B5: Disabled).
AGC automatically increases the ratio to
once a signal
exceeds the threshold (set below), allowing for expansion below the
threshold and limiting above the threshold. Useful for bass
frequency control.
Attack / Release
B1 - B5 AGC Attack: 0 - 150, slowest - fastest (defaults: B1:46,
B2:88, B3:88, B4:88, B5:92). How fast an input signal is acted
upon once is crosses the set threshold
B1 - B5 AGC Release: 0 - 150, slowest - fastest (defaults: B1:50,
B2:60, B3:86, B4:88, B5:92). How fast an input signal recovers
from a gain change once that signal falls below the set threshold.
Figure 6.15 ALC - MB AGC - Threshold
Figure 6.16 ALC - MB-AGC - Attack/Release