3. Safety
MiR1000 Quick start (en) 06/2020 - v.1.2 ©Copyright 2019-2020: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
Risk of being run over, drawn in, trapped, or impacted when a person stands in the path
of MiR1000 or walks towards MiR1000 while it is driving in reverse. MiR1000 will only
drive in reverse when parking or picking up a cart or undocking from a marker such as
MiR Charge 48V.
Risk of being run over, drawn in, trapped, or impacted when a person stands in the path
of MiR1000 or walks towards MiR1000 while it is in motion.
Risk of being crushed or trapped when user touches MiR1000.
Risk of being crushed, drawn in, or trapped at pallet racks or other load transfer stations,
work cells, or charging stations.
Other significant hazards may be present in a specific robot installation and
must be identified during commissioning.
3.8 Safety-related functions and interfaces
MiR1000 is equipped with a range of built-in safety-related functions as well as safety-
related electrical interfaces designed for integration with a top module and/or top
manipulator. Each safety function and interface is designed according to the standard ISO
The safety-related functions and interfaces are selected to support compliance with EN
3.9 Limiting safety-related functions
MiR1000 has several built-in safety-related functions that are used to ensure safe operation
in the environment it is designed to be used in.
Advanced control software ensures that locomotion and the drive pattern are within safety
related limits and thereby avoid triggering a safety function. Violations of limits will hence
only occur in exceptional cases. Nevertheless, if a limit is violated, the safety system issues a
category 0 stop (stopping by “immediate removal of power to the machine actuators
according to IEC 60204-1”) followed by a controlled brake which brings MiR1000 to a stop.
See Technical specifications on our website for more details.