Alarm video files can be sent to specific FTP server. You must configure the FTP settings correctly
before using it.
Figure 4-4-22 FTP Settings
Table 4-4-14 Description of the buttons
Function Introduction
Server Address
FTP server address
Server Port
The port of the FTP server. Generally it is 21
User Name
User name used to log in to the FTP sever
User password
Storage Path
Storage Path where video and image will be uploaded to the FTP server.
Four FTP storage path types are available, including Root Directory, Parent
Directory, Child Directory and Customize.
Parent Directory
Choose IP Address/ Device Name/ Date as the folder name of Parent Directory, or
customize the folder name.
Child Directory
Choose IP Address/ Device Name/ Date as the folder name of Child Directory, or
customize the folder name.
Multilevel Folder
If the storage path is more than two levels, enter Multilevel FTP storage path here
Alarm Action File
Choose the default(YYYY-MM-DD) or customize the alarm action file name.