This glossary contains terms used throughout the manual, as well as terms
commonly used in the data/voice communications field.
ABR, autobaud rate detection
A process by which a receiving device determines the data rate, code level,
and stop bits of incoming data by examining the first character received
(usually a preselected signon character). ABR allows a receiving device to
accept data from a variety of transmitting devices operating at different
speeds, which means that the receiver does not need to be configured for each
specific data rate in advance.
access channel
The industrystandard term for the frame relay link.
access rate (AR)
The data rate of the frame relay link. The speed of the frame relay link
determines how rapidly (maximum rate) the end user can inject data into the
frame relay network.
ACK, acknowledgment
A control character used as a reply in communications protocols. For
example, in HewlettPackard's ENQ/ACK protocol, ACK is sent by the
receiving device as a reply to ENQ sent by the transmitting device.
A device for connecting two items of physically dissimilar types (e.g., an
adapter may change an RJ45 connector to a DB25 connector). Contrast with
aggregate input rate
The sum of all data rates of terminals and computer ports connected to a
multiplexer. Burst aggregate input rate refers to the instantaneous
maximum data input rate accepted by the multiplexer.
Continuously variable as opposed to discretely variable. Physical quantities,
such as temperature, are continuously variable and so are described as
analog; analog signals vary in accordance with the physical quantities they
represent. The public telephone network was designed to transmit voice in
analog form. Contrast with digital.