Data Channels and Switching Configuration
NetRunner W
AN User’s Manual
Feature Matching Capability
Feature matching automatically selects and sets the minimum feature set for
the connecting async ports during all switching operations, other than force
Features automatically converted for async channels include the following:
. Called and calling ports do not need to have the same speeds
unless unbalanced rates are set to
. The unit will flow control the
faster port to prevent overrunning the slower port.
Flow Control/Buffer Control conversion
. Ports with different flow
control and buffer control mechanisms will be converted through the
Ports using no flow control connecting with those using character (DC1/DC3,
DC2/DC4 and so forth) flow control may have problems if they use the
complete ASCII code set, since the flow control characters will not be stripped
out of the data stream.
Parity Conversion
. Even, odd, mark and space will be converted
automatically at the receiving NetRunner to match the required
parity. Parity conversion also works on forceconnected channels.
(Parity is part of the Channel Characteristics option of the Async
Channel menu. Refer to page 515.)
Making a Connection
Force Connection
Force connection is an automatic process, transparent to the end user. After
login, the connect will be made. To disconnect a force connection, use the
Force Disconnect option of the Switching Control menu.
Initial Connection Procedure
For the methods of connection other than force connection, the initial steps
are the same for connecting to the unit or its MICOM muxes.
1. Turn on terminal and enter the signon character (if applicable).
prompt will display (if one has been configured); enter
If configured, the welcome banner will display to show you that the
connection to the unit is complete. The
message will
Fixed Destination Connection
If a port is configured for fixed class destination, the unit will automatically
attempt to connect to the designated primary class after the initial steps have
been completed (see above).
Press the
key three times within six seconds.