Smart Swing 3
Installation Manual
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(Output) PDO
(Output) +5V DC
(Output) SCK
(Input) PDI
(Input / (Output) RST
COM (Ground)
Additional Informat
Consideration of Surroundings
Floor Space Requirements for Wheel Chair Maneuvering
The owner may request the activation device location; however, the press switch must be in view of the door
and not directly on the door or frame. Please refer to ANSI 117.1 Safety Code for further guidelines on
switch requirements.
Activation switches shall be at minimum height of 36” and maximum height of 48” from finished floors.
Individual who uses wheelchair needs a minimum of 48” clearance to the door swing for doors in series.
External and Internal Factors
Door Condition
Door must move easily open and close (latch) without excessive force; weather stripping and threshold must
not interfere with door movement.
For out swing (Push) doors, the reveal must be within the r
ange of 0” to 14”. For in swing (Pull) doors, 0” to
4” for special reveals is allowed – for all others consult factory.
When installing on a door in a strong wind condition area, special adjustments should be made to the arm
and doorstop position, to increase the spring tension.
Power/Control Wires
Check that the electrical feed, all conduits, and electrical junction boxes (for push plates or other activation
devices, if required) are correctly located in accordance with final approved shop drawings and within the
guidelines of the enforced local electrical codes.
Electronic equipment reception interference