Quick Start Guide
76-02-087 Rev A
14 of 62
3.2 Access the WCM5100
Initial access to the WCM5100 is made using the Terminal Port on the rear panel of the
unit. The Terminal port defaults to 19200baud, 8bit, No Parity 1 Stop Bit. The 9 Way D-
Type is configured as a DCE port with standard pinout.
3.3 Logging onto WCM5100
The initial access to the WCM1000 must use a terminal connected to the terminal port.
The WCM5100 has a password protected, menu driven user interface. When a
management session is connected to the WCM5100, the welcome banner will be
displayed as shown:
Metrodata WCM5100:
Local connection to “”
Password (‘view’ to view only ) :
At the prompt, enter the password to gain access to the WCM5100. The default password
is “WCM5100”. For security, the password is obscured with an asterisk (*) being displayed
for each character typed. An incorrect password will lead to the welcome banner being
redisplayed. A correct password will lead onto the main set up menu as shown below: