Multi LAN 350
terminated at the end no
reflections will occur.
High crosstalk
A high coupling signal due to a
crosstalk problem occures on
the adjacent pair - unmatched
connectivity components.
Split pair
A very high coupling signal in
the adjacent pair. Split pairs in
patch cable have caused this
5.4.2 Scope Test procedure
Scope Main Screen
In Scope Main Screen the user can choose between TDR or TDnext (Left, Right keys).
Under the selected function, the associated parameters are shown (the selected item is
underlined) which can be accessed with Up, Down keys and set with Left, Right keys.
Testing can always be started with ENTER. In TDR all 4 pairs are tested. In TDnext all
six crosstalks combinations are tested.
Scope main screen - TDR
and TDnext