MI 3155
Memory Organizer
Deletes a measurement.
Selected Measurement can be deleted. User is asked for confirmation before the
deleting. Refer to chapter
Operations on Structure objects
The structure object must be selected first.
Figure 5.5: A structure object is selected in the Tree menu
Starts a new measurement.
Type of measurement (Single test or Auto Sequence
) should be selected first.
After proper type is selected, the instrument goes to Single Test or Auto Sequence
selection screen. Refer to chapters
Saves a measurement.
Saving of measurement under the selected Structure object.
View / edit parameters and attachments.
Parameters and attachments of the Structure object can be viewed or edited. View / Edit parameters and attachments of a Structure
Adds a new measurement.
The instrument goes to the Menu for adding measurement into structure. Refer to
Adds a new Structure object.
A new Structure object can be added. Refer to chapter
Name and link of attachment is displayed.
Clones a Structure object.
Selected Structure object can be copied to same level in structure tree (clone). Refer
to chapter