Click to playback video.
Click to pause video.
Click to reverse playback.
Click to switch to fast forward playback, use and to adjust playback Speed, in x0.25, x0.5, x1, x2, x4
and x8.
Pause the video and click the button to step forward playback.
Click to fast forward to the next section.
Click to switch to fast reverse playback, use and to adjust playback speed, in x1, x2, and x4 and x8.
Pause the video and click the button to step reverse playback.
Click to fast backward to the previous section.
3.4 Playback Operation
Please refer to the below for the playback control function:
The progress bar shows the current playback status and timeline. Drag the time indicator on the progress bar to move to the
selected timeline to playback.
On the time bar, it also indicates the initial and end time of the current playback section.