Copyright Meritor, Inc., 2021
MM-96147 / Revised 03-21
Page 64
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10 Center Bearing Removal and Installation
Defl ectors, If Required
Self-aligning center bearings do not require external
defl ectors.
1. Wipe the center bearing support surface with a fi ne emery
2. Install a new defl ector on the coupling shaft. To avoid
damaging the defl ector, use a section of tubing and a
brass hammer to seat the defl ector. Verify that the defl ector
is completely seated against the center bearing support
shoulder. Figure 10.16.
Fig. 10.16
Center Bearing
Self-aligning center bearings do not require external
defl ectors.
1. Install defl ectors, if included in the center bearing kit.
2. Carefully align the new center bearing assembly with the
machined surface of the coupling shaft. Use your hands to
push the center bearing onto the coupling shaft. Figure 10.17.
Fig. 10.17
3. Use a punch and brass hammer to install the bearing.
4. If a defl ector is required on the yoke or fl ange, use a section
of tubing and a brass hammer to press the defl ector onto the
end yoke or fl ange. Use of the tubing will help avoid damage
to the defl ector. Figure 10.18 and Figure 10.19.
Fig. 10.18 Yoke
Fig. 10.19 Flange
5. Use a rubber hammer to tap the yoke or fl ange onto the
coupling shaft splines. The phasing marks on the driveline
must be aligned. Figure 10.6 and Figure 10.7. Continue to
tap the yoke or fl ange until it is completely seated against the
center bearing. Do not use the nut to draw the yoke or fl ange
6. Install a washer and a new coupling shaft yoke or fl ange nut.
Tighten the nut to 450-600 lb-ft (612-816 Nm).
Coupling Shaft
1. Verify that the support straps are in the correct position to
support the weight of the driveline.
2. Align the center bearing bracket with the frame support.
3. Install bearing spacers, if necessary, to return the bearing
bracket to its original position.
4. Install the center bearing bracket bolts. Tighten them to
the vehicle manufacturer’s specifi cation. Figure 10.20 and
Figure 10.21.