Chapter 5: MEI Software
Note that each axis can be individually configured with any feedback device, but if any axis uses
analog inputs, the remaining analog inputs cannot be used for any purpose other than analog
feedback. For example, the analog inputs cannot be used for both a joystick and analog feedback
on the same board.
Integration Mode
This selection allows the PID integration term for each axis to be configured as:
Only Standing
Only when the command velocity is zero
During motion and when standing
Limit Switch Configuration Window
Figure 5-3. Configure/Limit Switch Configuration Window
This window defines the active state of the home switch, limit switches, device fault and the amp
enable output. It also specifies which event is triggered when each sensor becomes active. The
events are:
Event Description
Ignore a condition
Decelerate to a stop (at specified stop rate).
Decelerate to a stop (at specified E-stop rate).
Disable PID control and the amplifier for this axis.
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