Chapter 5: MEI Software
23 Configure Menu
menu contains the options:
Option Description
I/O Base Address
Sets the I/O address where SETUP communicates with the board
Tuning Parameters
Sets tuning parameters, DC offset and voltage/pulse rate limit
Aux. Tuning Parameters
Sets auxilliary tuning parameters: derivative sample rate, etc.
Axis Configuration
Allows axes to be configured as step/servo, etc.
Limit Switch Configuration
Sets the active level of limit switches and associated action
Software Limits
Sets the software limits and associated actions
Resets the DSP with parameters stored in battery backed RAM
I/O Base Address Window
This window is used to set the base address for the board. If SW1 is set for an address other than
300 hex, this window must be used to tell the SETUP program the location of the board.
The SETUP program also has the ability to read an environment variable called 'DSP' and
automatically set the base address. The only understood parameter currently is 'BASE', which is
used to specify the base I/O address of the controller. If BASE is specified, then the SETUP
program will initialize the controller using the 'BASE' address. For example, if 'set DSP=base:
0x280' is executed at the DOS prompt then the SETUP program will use address 280 hex.
Tuning Parameters Window
This window is used to set the control loop tuning parameters for each axis. The DSP uses a 2nd
order PID algorithm with velocity and acceleration feed-forward. A more detailed explanation of
each parameter is contained in appendix C, “Tuning Your System.”
Note that multiple windows can be open simultaneously. For example, windows can be open for
Tuning Parameters
Motion Status
for one axis, or windows can be open
for Tuning
Motion Status
for both Axes 1 and 4. This makes it possible to change tuning
parameters on-the-fly and the effect can be seen in real-time.
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