Dynascan Manual (RT3005G) v_0611
Page 6
© Copyright Measurement Devices Limited
Copying of the materials in this document is prohibited
Issue 1
Dynascan is a portable and easy to use laser scanning system, with the laser scanning
module, GNSS receiver, motion sensor and RTK radio all combined in one small pod. The
offsets between these individual units are fixed and each system is factory calibrated for
pitch and roll.
If you are using a Dynascan system which uses GNSS heading you will have to calibrate the
heading if you move the system from one platform to another.
This document is intended to enable the user to install, set-up and use the Dynascan system
in as fast a time as possible and provides a detailed explanation of the system and how to
modify various system parameters.
If you are required to update QPS QINSy software you need to visit the QPS website and log
on using the