Preferences— Nikon Color Management
Nikon Color Management
Nikon Color Management
Keeping Colors True
Keeping Colors True
The Nikon Color Management System, or Nikon CMS, en-
sures that image data from Nikon scanners are re pro duced
consistently and accurately on monitors or print ers. With this
pow er ful tool, colors can be manipulated in a cal i brat ed RGB
color model before the data are passed to the host applica-
tion. Profi les detailing the color char ac ter is tics of the chosen
color model and the output de vice (mon i tor or print er) en-
sure that colors will be reproduced ac cu rate ly in al most any
operating environment.
Nikon CMS involves two categories of preferences, one
(“Gamma”) for use when Nikon CMS is off and the other
(“Color Man
age ment”) for use when Nikon CMS is on.
“Gamma” specifi es how data from the scanner will be mod-
i fi ed for display on the monitor. Because monitor profi les
can not be used when Nikon CMS is off, this adjustment
must be made manually. “Color Management” is used to
turn Nikon CMS on and off and select the profi les for use
with the monitor and with the CMYK and calibrated RGB
color models when Nikon CMS is on.
Turning Nikon CMS Off
Turning Nikon CMS Off
In general, much better results can be achieved with Nikon CMS on. It
may however be necessary to turn color management off to:
• Speed processing
If the computer has a slow CPU, the processing required for color
management may result in longer scan times. Try turning color man-
agement off for reduced scan times.
• Edit data from the scanner directly
Advanced users may want to turn Nikon CMS off to edit uncalibrated
RGB data from the scanner.
Images can not be scanned in CMYK. If CMYK data are required, con-
vert images to CMYK before saving them to disk. Note that images
can only be saved in CMYK if Nikon CMS is on (Nikon CMS is on by