1. This function is to set the environment for upload and
download in the Upload and Download window.
Exit When Transfer Completed
: Selection can be
made to automatically close the transfer window after
upload/ download. Clear this selection in order to
check the transfer status after transfer completion
per file.
When there are files of the same name, file size is compared. If
Mydisk file is larger than or the same as the file to be transmitted,
select one from the 3 options of Select, Overwrite, Skip to enable
upload/ download. If Mydisk file is smaller than the file to be
transmitted, select one from the 4 options of Select, Overwrite,
Resume and Skip to enable upload/ download.
queries user about the method of processing in case there
are repetitive files.
b. ‘
overwrites the file to be uploaded or downloaded on
the existing file.
resumes the file to be uploaded or downloaded from the
last part of the existing file.
d. ‘
skips the file to be uploaded or downloaded in case there are
same files.
4. When the ‘Transfer when upload start’ is automatically selected, the
transfer window is activated and upload/ download automatically
starts even if the Upload/ Download button is not clicked.
5. Select ‘
Activate when transfer completed
’ to display transfer
window after completion of transfer at the front of the window to
check transfer completion status.
6. Select ‘
Exit windows when completed
’ to automatically close the
system after completion of transmission. This function is useful
when uploading/ downloading large-capacity files before going to
1.2.2-7 upload/download Environment setting