oNCe THe Treadmill or rePlaCemeNT ParT iS fUlly iNSTalled aNd
aSSembled aNd ProPerly PlaCed oN THe floor, USe THe folloWiNG
1) If the treadmill was just assembled or if any electronic component has been replaced (including if the console cable is unplugged for any
reason), the treadmill MUST be auto calibrated. Refer to the procedure in Section 3.4.
2) If the treadmill was just assembled or if the running belt, deck, or rollers are replaced, center the running belt. Refer to the procedure in
Section 3.5.
3) Once Auto Calibration has been run and the running belt is centered, press GO on the display. Listen for any odd noises or squeaks.
4) Press the INCLINE UP key until the treadmill is raised to the maximum incline, then lower back down to the minimum incline. Listen for any
odd noises or squeaks during this procedure.
5) Press the SPEED UP key until the treadmill is raised to the maximum speed, then lower back down to the minimum speed. Listen for any
odd noises or squeaks during this procedure.
6) Grasp the heart rate grips to check for proper heart rate response.
7) Press and release the Emergency Stop to return to normal operation.
9.22 TeSTiNG THe Treadmill
CHaPTer 9: ParT rePlaCemeNT GUide