CHaPTer 9: ParT rePlaCemeNT GUide
9.20 HearT raTe GriPS rePlaCemeNT
1) Turn off power to the treadmill and unplug the power cord.
2) Use a flat screwdriver to pry off the bottom heart rate grip plate (Figure A).
3) Unplug the bottom heart rate grip plate and remove it (Figure B).
4) Remove the 2 screws holding the lower plastic heart rate grip to the upper plastic heart rate grip (Figure C).
5) Split apart the 2 halves of the heart rate grip and remove the bottom half (Figure D).
6) Unplug the top heart rate grip plate and remove the heart rate grip.
7) Reverse Steps 1-6 to install new heart rate grips.
8) Test the treadmill for function as outlined in Section 9.22.
fiGUre a
fiGUre b
fiGUre C
fiGUre d
fiGUre e