mUlTi-PUrPoSe keyS
: Keys have different functions depending on each screen.
: One touch Start and Quick Start.
: To confirm each program setting.
UP / doWN iNCliNe:
Easy information and incline selection.
UP / doWN SPeed:
Easy information and speed selection.
UP / doWN Time:
Easy information and time adjustment.
emerGeNCy SToP / immobiliZaTioN:
To stop all functions and immobilize the unit. The emergency stop on this treadmill must be returned
to its original position in order to allow normal operation of the unit.
Ends workout and shows workout summary data.
: Pauses workout. Pause duration can be set in Manager Mode.
NUmber keyPad:
Workout data input for workout setup. Speed adjustment during workout.
Cool doWN:
Puts treadmill into Cool Down mode. Cool Down time is dependent on the length of the workout. Workouts 19 minutes and
shorter will have a cool down length of 2 minutes. Workouts 20 minutes and longer will have a cool down length of 5 minutes.
4.1 T1xe-01 CoNSole deSCriPTioN
CHaPTer 4: CoNSole oVerlay aNd WorkoUT deSCriPTioN