CHaPTer 11: SofTWare UPGrade GUide
11.1 SofTWare UPGrade iNSTrUCTioNS
1) Copy three software files (T1xe deploy.cab, io.txt, and update.config) onto a USB drive.
2) Turn on the power to the treadmill, wait until the standby picture has been cleared (Figure A).
3) Insert the USB drive into the Reprogram Port in the back of the console back cover (Figure B).
4) The upgrade procedure will run automatically (Figure C).
5) When the update is complete, the display will prompt to remove the USB drive (Figure D).
6) Power should cycle automatically once the USB drive is removed. Once the unit powers back up, test for function as outlined in Section 9.22.
fiGUre a
fiGUre b
fiGUre C
fiGUre d