9.9 moTor rePlaCemeNT
CHaPTer 9: ParT rePlaCemeNT GUide
1) Turn off power to the treadmill and disconnect the power cord.
2) Remove the front shroud as outlined in Section 9.1.
3) Release the drive belt tensioner spring (Figure A).
4) With the spring released, rotate the tensioner to relieve tension on the drive belt and walk the drive belt off of the motor pulley (Figures B & C).
5) Disconnect the motor cables from the reliance box and choke and cut any tie straps holding them in place (Figures D & E).
6) Disconnect the motor ground wire from the ground prong on the base frame and cut any tie straps holding the ground wire in place (Figure F).
7) Using an 8 mm Allen wrench, remove the four motor mounting screws (Figure G).
8) Lift the motor away from the treadmill (Figure H).
9) Reverse Steps 1-8 to install a new motor.
10) Test the treadmill for function as outlined in Section 9.22.
fiGUre a
fiGUre b
fiGUre C
fiGUre d