CHaPTer 4: CoNSole oVerlay aNd WorkoUT deSCriPTioN
4.1 T1xe-01 CoNSole deSCriPTioN - CoNTiNUed
T1xe eNTerTaiNmeNT ZoNe
Allows the user to cycle through console display options, TV, or profile display.
VolUme UP / doWN:
Adjusts the volume output through the headphone jack of either add on TV or integrated console TV.
NUmber keyPad
: Allows for easy TV channel selections. These buttons work for either the add on TV or the integrated console TV.
CHaNNel UP / doWN:
Allows for channel selection on either the add on TV or the integrated console TV.
diSPlay mode:
Allows user to cycle through console display options, TV, or profile display.
laST CHaNNel:
Allows the user to cycle between the current channel and the previous channel they were viewing.