Radical-7R Pulse CO-Oximeter Operator’s Manual
Approximate Time (in seconds) until Number Stabilization
SpO2, PI, Pulse Rate
15 seconds
SpCO, SpMet
25 seconds
90 seconds
90 seconds
60 seconds
10. Verify that the patient alarms are functional by setting the high and low SpO2, SpMet, SpCO,
SpHb, PI, PVI, pulse rate and respiration rate alarm limits beyond the patient readings.
An alarm tone sounds.
The violated alarm limit and reading flash on the display.
The red alarm indicator flashes on the Docking Station (standalone operation).
11. Verify the sensor alarms are functional by removing the sensor from the sensor site.
NOTE: If using SpO2 and RRa, only the SpO2 audible alarm tone will sound.
"Sensor Off" appears in the message area of the graphic sensors display.
The alarm tone sounds.
The alarm indicator flashes.
Disconnect the sensor from the patient cable or instrument.
Confirm that "Sensor Off" appears in the message area of the graphic display.
12. Verify alarm silence operation.
Create an alarm condition by lowering the SpO2 or pulse rate high alarm limits
beyond the patient readings.
NOTE: If using SpO2 and RRa, only the SpO2 audible alarm tone will sound.
Press the Alarm Silence button.
The alarm tone ceases for the displayed amount of time.
Perform the above steps for the SpCO and SpMet alarm limits.
13. To begin patient monitoring:
Adjust the alarm limits.
14. Verify the sensor is on correctly and that the measured data is appropriate, see
Section 4,
Successful Monitoring
15. Monitor the patient.
16. After monitoring is complete, remove the sensor from the patient and store or dispose of
the sensor according to governing rules. See the Directions for Use of the sensor.
17. Press and hold the Power/Standby Button for 2 seconds to turn the instrument off.
S u c c e s s f u l M o n i t o r i n g
The following general points will aid in ensuring Pulse CO-Oximetry monitoring success.
Place the sensor on a site that has sufficient perfusion and provides proper alignment of the LEDs and detector.
Place the sensor on a site that has unrestricted blood flow.
Do not secure a sensor with tape.
Do not select a site near potential electrical interference (electrosurgical unit, for example).
Read the sensor Directions for Use for proper sensor application.
O p e r a t i o n