Model: DDU-24/26
Doc. Ref. no. : - m06bom101
Issue no. 09
User’s Manual
Page 25 of 51
Note: -
Figure 18 Display the Key configuration of DDU-24/26.In DDU24/26 Key configuration
same as DDU-24 but only Change in date format configuration.
The Date format given for Display
For DDU-24:
1. DD/MM
2. MM/DD
For DDU-26
Wireless Input model:
First power on unit it will display Slave ID and RF receive channel 0 then it will start to display
Time in default condition that are set in unit.
If you are already set RF transmit channel and then after unit power on it will display RF receive
channel and RF transmit channel that you are set. Then it will start to run mode display.
If Unit Sync in Auto mode then after power off and on it will display RF receive channel which
unit previous lock in auto mode.
This feature is only available in wireless input model.
Configuration done by master GPS-MC-2 over wireless is only available in Wireless input Model.
Serial Input model:
First power on unit it will display Slave ID then it will start to display Time in default condition that
are set in unit.
NTP or NTP + PoE input Model:
First Power on Unit it will start to Display Time in default condition that are set in Unit
In this model Salve ID, wireless parameter configuration and retransmission Features are not
For lock unlock only Blinking ON and OFF option is available, in case of Blink ON it will blink
after 59 second if it is unlocked.
Ethernet Default configuration is available for this model only.
Please ignore the Serial Parameter in configuration menu if DDU-24/26 has order with only NTP
or PoE option. The configuration can be done through Telnet for this Option.